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How to Chop, Peel and Cut Fruits?

Cooking with fruits is always a tough task. Right from choosing the best fruit to chopping them requires a proper care. Though selecting the fresh and juicy fruits is often dependent on smell, but the colour and the size matters as well. If you are trying to make something with fruits for the firs time and do not know how to chop the fruits, then do not worry. Check the different techniques below for chopping the various fruits. And also note the quick tips for buying the ripe fruits.


How to Chop and Choose Fruits?

They key for a successful fruit dish is to get the right and best kind of fruit. Not just picking the ripe fruit is important but it also depends on the dish you are buying the fruit. At times you may have to buy the unripened fruit and allow it to ripen. The other times, you actually might need the raw fruit as well. Get the fruit as per your need of the dish. All these different fruits are chopped in various ways and different shapes. You can cut them in small cubes or in the form of vertical slices. Some fruits are eaten with their skin whereas in others you have to remove their skin.

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How to Chop Pineapple:

Note: How to check the pineapple is good? Take the best smelling pineapple. It should have a sweet aroma and must look fresh. It should be golden on the bottom with the bit of green portion. The pineapple should be firm, if it’s soft then it is overripe.

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How to Chop Apple:

Note: How to know the apple is ripe? Select the bright looking apple which is firm to fold. They must smell sweet and should have any bitten insect mark.

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How to Chop Mango:

Note: How to select ripe mangoes? To check the ripeness of mangoes, do not focus much on the colour of the mangoes. Check it by squeezing the mango and it must have the fruity aroma.

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How to Chop Orange:

Note: How to Pick a Ripe Orange? Do not rely on the colour of the orange for its quality. You must select an orange which is firm to hold and has a smooth layer. It must be the thin-skinned orange that is full coloured. You should the heaviness when you pick it.

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How to Chop Banana:

Note: How to choose a perfectly ripe banana? Take a look at the colour of the banana, it should have complete yellow colour. Check if it has some brown spots because it would taste better. Though the banana is yellow but if it has green stem top then it might not taste nice. If you have brought the unripe banana, then keep the banana fruit bowl in sun. It would ripen quickly.

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How to Chop Chikoo:

Note: How to get the best Chikoo? You will know that is the best Chikoo buy if it has wrinkled skin. If the Chikoo is ripe, it would be slightly soft when you press. If the Chikoo is unripe Chikoo, it would be hard when you press. Also, it has the greenish tinge on its skin. Whereas there would be mushy soft spots all over the skin of the over-ripe Chikoo.

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How to Chop Kiwi:

Note: How to know Kiwi is ripe? Do not buy kiwi based on its skin. All the kiwi seem same from the outside but it is the inside flesh that matters. Look out for the fruit which is unblemished and is firm to hold. The size of the kiwi has nothing to do with its taste. Lastly, check by pressing it with a thumb. If it ripe, it should be soft and must press.

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How to Chop Papaya:

Note: How to pick a ripe Papaya? Choose the papaya which has greenish yellow texture or even the full yellow coloured texture. It should be firm but it must be press if you apply pressure with your thumbs. You should buy soft papaya but not very soft. Do not get mushy or having too sweet smell papaya.

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How to Chop Watermelon:

Note: How to buy the ripe watermelon? The watermelon should be heavy to lift and must be firm to hold. It should not have any blemish, bruises, insect bites or cracks. If it is ripe, it would make a sound when you tap it.

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How to Chop Cantaloupe:

Note: How to choose ripened Cantaloupe? The ripeness of cantaloupes is highly dependent on smell and colour. If they are orange or gold, then are ripe. Whereas if they have green texture then they are unripe. Also, check how they feel when you touch them with a thumb. Give a gentle shake to check the sound of seeds.

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