The term lamb originates from the German lambiz. In central Asia, as early as 10,000 years ago, man discovered that sheep were not only a good source of food but also of clothes. Sheep have long been a staple in the diet as well as a source of textiles in Asia, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
While most of us may think that cooking a delicious lamb dish would start as soon as we begin chopping the vegetables or heating the oven, the process begins much earlier for top chefs. The meat’s taste is often closely related to where the lamb was born, so it has a significant impact on the platter. Several well-known chefs say the most critical aspect of lamb selection is to have a close look at where it comes from. The Perthshire lamb will have enjoyed rich grazing which gives them a specific taste. Blackface lambs of the highlands and islands spend their entire lives grazing outdoors. It makes the meat slightly leaner and darker in color.
A lamb’s meat is typically very tender. On the other hand, an adult sheep’s meat has more flavor and is called mutton. Mutton, adult sheep’s meat, and lamb are commonly eaten. Fat means flavor with lamb, which is the reason why top chefs covet it. Some prefer the lamb shoulder or neck joints and where there is a lot of fat content because that’s what will bring the flavor out during the long slow roasting process.
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About Scottish Roasted Lamb Recipe
Lamb back, head, and rump have working joints, so they need more cooking time to help get through the connecting tissue. The slow process ensures that the meat is tender and incredibly savory.
Every lamb cut is unique, so they all have different flavors and textures. Each one will need a different process of cooking, but none is better than the other. When appropriately cooked, each piece of lamb will make fantastic dishes. It’s best to have a lamb leg bone out and cut it like steak.
Lamb has a distinctive natural flavor that stands out in dishes on its own, but it also has the potential to be strengthened with more robust flavors. Curried lamb tastes excellent, as does braised lamb with saffron. For more international recipes, click here.
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